- Cranio Sacral Relaxation therapist, Peirsman Cranio Sacral Academy (PCSA)
- Cranio Sacral Therapist, complete 4 year education, Peirsman Cranio Sacral Academy (PCSA)
- Talking to the heart, Somato Emotional Release 1, PCSA
- Talking to the alarmsystems, Somato Emotional Release 2, PCSA
- Newborns and children, Somato Emotional Release 3, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral sphenoid work, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral Mouth- and Ear work, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral Eyework, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral & Family constellations, PCSA
- Deep muscle and Tissue release, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral in water, PCSA
- Cranio Sacral Advanced intensive, PCSA
- Chairmassage practitioner, Esoterra Massage Academy
- Shiatsu on the chair, Esoterra Massage Academy
- Teacher trainings in the Gurdjieff movements, Europe & India
- Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), State of Hawaii
- Cranio Sacral Relaxation Therapist, Peirsman, Cranio Sacral Academy (PCSA)
- Cranio Sacral Therapist, completed Academy registration, Peirsman Cranio Sacral Academy (PCSA)
- Chair Massage Practitioner, Esoterra Massage Academy
- Clinical Health Psychologist, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- EMDR (Eye movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) trained Psychologist, the Netherlands
- Schematherapy trained Psychologist, the Netherlands
- Mindfulness Trainer, the Netherlands